During a recent period of anfectung or in my parlance, a crappy time of challenge in my personal life I painted the above of two spirits fighting over the church, me, us, everything… It was a moment of simple miserableness and so I slapped some pigment soaked in turp and began to paint, regurgitating my thoughts, feelings and angst unto the canvas and in time it began to take shape with real intent at first, but there it is…
I don’t do this at all, in fact this was my first foray into this mode, I suppose. it was meant to express or to vomit out my struggles within myself and so I suppose it worked, somewhat. I suppose as I look at it and contemplate it I think there’s more I could do, tweak here, refine there, but then I’d be doing something else other then what I first began with, a reflection of what was first undertaken, not the initial laying of brush to canvas in fits of expression, and then t wouldn’t be the same anymore, but another painting… so maybe the title fits in one way after all :)