Been awhile!
Well, a short entry for now - unfortunately it’s been awhile since I last wrote. As of March of 2022 I was diagnosed with Non- Hodgkins Lymphoma B-Cell follicular and started chemo in May and finished in October then started a two year maintenance program with a Rituxan shot every three months which leaves me a fatigued and defiling like I have a low level flu all the time. Also, I continue to have pains in various parts of my body below where the mass was below my heart and next to the spine. Doctor says this is normal as the nerves heal. Good to know 🙂 in any case, it’s been an interesting journey to say the least in many ways not excluding my energy to paint. Hence this post. I thought I would start posting again with a shot of this 12x9 rainbow piece of Hawaii - I hope all who are reading this, if any, are well and remain so!