“Pounding out “ Pounders beach On Oahu — Phillip Gagnon | Painter & Artist in CA
Phillip Gagnon Artist & Author

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“Pounding out “ Pounders beach On Oahu

Well, while cycling around the Italy pieces I started on a piece I sketched out from Oahu. It’s a beach area called Pounders Beach and beautiful sites all around. Turns out later that week I saw that the gifted Steve Quartly also did a piece that’s hanging in Tabora gallery in Haliewa of exactly the same scene and from almost the same line of sight! Oh well, he has a distinctive style and so I decided I paint the scene as I originally intended. So, here it is after the acrylic underpainting has been laid in and I’m now working on the ocean potion as well as the outcropping - still lots to do!

Phillip Gagnon